Sales strategies require a thorough analysis and correlation with technology and the company type.
Depending on the client's DNA, Push and / or Pull strategies can implement cold calling, personal visits, road shows, free sample distribution, limited online, print and social media ads, and billboards.
Project Management/Business Planning
Does the business expansion require a new facility in the new market, or will all the products be manufactured in the base country and then imported into the targeted market? Such decisions are finalized by the business development team based on their cost- and time-related assessments. Then, the project management/implementation team swings into action to work towards the desired goal.
Vendor Management
Will the new business need external vendors? For example, will shipping of a product need a dedicated courier service? Will the firm partner with any established retail chain for retail sales? What are the costs associated with these engagements? The business development team works through these questions.
Negotiations and Networking
Networking and negotiating may be needed with different third-parties, such as vendors, agencies, government authorities, and regulators. All such initiatives are part of business development.
Cost Savings
Strategic decisions are also needed to improve the bottom-line which include cost-cutting measures. An internal assessment revealing high spending on travel, for instance, may lead to travel policy changes, such as hosting video conference calls instead of on-site meetings, or opting for less expensive transportation modes. Similar cost-saving initiatives can be implemented by outsourcing non-core work like billing, accounting, financials, technology operations and customer services.
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